Please join us in congratulating this year’s award winners. Many thanks to the committees for all their hard work.
Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship (Book) Award
- Elizabeth Holzer, The Concerned Women of Buduburam: Refugee Activists and Humanitarian Dilemmas (Cornell University Press), and
- Dingxin Zhao, The Confucian-Legalist State: A New Theory of Chinese History (Oxford University Press)
Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship (Article or Book Chapter) Award
- Paul Lichterman and Nina Eliasoph, “Civic Action,” American Journal of Sociology 120 (3): 798-863
- Honorable Mention: Cedric de Leon, Manali Desai, and Cihan Tugal, “Political Articulation: The Structured Creativity of Parties,” Pp. 1-35 in Building Blocs: How Parties Organize Society, edited by Cedric de Leon, Manali Desai, and Cihan Tugal (Stanford University Press)
Best Graduate Student Paper Award
- Jeremy Levine (Harvard University), “The Privatization of Political Representation: Community-Based Organizations as Non-elected Neighborhood Representatives,” forthcoming in American Sociological Review